Rootitoot Lemon Curd

Rootitoot Lemon Curd

This is the closest thing to edible sunshine I’ve ever tasted. There is a modified version for a thicker curd similar to a pie filling at the end of this recipe.


1/3 cup melted butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
2/3 cup fresh lemon juice
2 tsp lemon zest grated


This really is the simplest treat ever - blend everything at once, pressure cook on high for 10 minutes, leave it for a 10-minute natural release and then whisk the heck out of it. Not kidding. It's a snap. For novices, here are the step-by-steps.

Before we begin, here are a few tips and tricks for ya. When buying lemons, choose the ones that seem heavy for their size...they have the most juice. And pick the ones with smooth skins. The ones with dimpled skins often have the thickest peels. Press each one with your thumb: if it gives a bit, it probably has a thinner skin; the harder ones have those thick peels. (That goes for all citrus fruits.) And to get the most juice out of them, put them in the microwave for 15 seconds per lemon. Also, roll each lemon on the counter, pressing down firmly. It breaks up the interior cell membranes and releases more juice. Okay. On with the recipe.

I mix AND cook this in my PYREX 4-cup measure, but you can use any oven-safe dish or casserole, or even mason jars. Avoid anything metal because it sometimes produces a metallic taste. Blend all the ingredients at once. I use an immersion blender, but you can use a food processor, blender, hand mixer, whisk, whatever you prefer. Pretty simple, right? Except for the cooking, that's pretty much it.

Put 1 1/2 cups of water and the trivet in the Instant Pot. Put the lemon curd on the trivet and cover with a sheet of parchment paper. (Not absolutely necessary, though.) Close the lid and make sure the valve is set to Sealing.

Push the Pressure Cook (or Manual) button. Use the + and - buttons to get to 10 minutes. When it beeps that it's done, leave it for 10 minutes natural

release. (You can double this recipe - same cook time.) Then flip the valve to Venting for a quick release of any remaining pressure.

When the pin drops, open the pot and take the lemon curd out. It will look weird and “split” but don't worry. Use a whisk to vigorously blend the curd until smooth. It just takes a minute. If you want, you can strain it to remove the lemon zest for a perfectly smooth result. Cool on the counter for half an hour or so and whisk again. And you're done... not kidding... that's it.

Refrigerate for up to a week... but don't be surprised if it mysteriously disappears before that.

This is fabulous as a cheesecake topping, tart filling topped with whipped cream, on yogurt, ice cream, on toast or pancakes. Also good standing in front of the fridge clutching a spoon with a guilty look on your face.

Sweeter curd, Lime Curd and Orange Curd:

* Sweeter curd: If you prefer it sweeter, add an extra 2 - 4 Tbsp sugar and add an extra egg yolk. Everything else remains the same.

* Lime or orange curd: Substitute lime juice and zest for Lime Curd. For Orange curd, include 2 Tbsp lemon juice in the ⅔ cup juice. Using all orange juice can be too sweet.

**You can make any kind of curd using juice from whatever strikes your fancy: raspberry, grape, blackberry, whatever.

Thicker Lemon Curd/Pie Filling

Same method and cook times as the basic Lemon Curd recipe above.

1/3 cup melted butter

3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp sugar

4 large whole eggs

3/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp lemon zest grated

Using 4 whole eggs instead of 2 eggs and 2 yolks produces a thicker lemon curd, more like a pie filling. But the amount of lemon juice and zest has to increase, too or it won't be that KAZONGO!! lemony flavour that makes 

your taste buds stand up and holler. (I adjusted those amounts, too.) You can also increase the amount of butter to 1/2 cup. It solidifies as it cools so it will firm it up even more.

When you remove it from the pot, whisk it vigorously and then force it through a strainer while it's still hot. With the extra egg whites in it, you might find more tiny pieces of cooked egg white throughout the curd. Straining will get rid of most of this. But it's not absolutely necessary.